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Request response calculator


This calculator is intended solely for use in determining the latest date by when an organisation must respond to request under section 17 (Access to personal information), section 18 (Access to medical records) and section 19 (Correction, blocking, erasure, destruction).


Please select the date on which you submitted your request to the organisation. This calculator is a guide only.

Organisations are required to acknowledge receipt of a request in writing promptly. Organisations are required to respond to an applicant’s request within 45 days of receiving it. If an organisation responds to the request promptly, responses may also be received sooner than indicated in this calculator.

An organisation may extend the period for responding to the request by no more than

30 days or for a period approved by PrivCom, and provide its response outside of the date provided by this calculator if a large amount of personal information is requested; meeting the time limit would interfere unreasonably with the organisation’s operations; more time is needed to consult with a third party. If this occurs, the organisation will  provide you with the revised response date and the reason for the extension in writing.

This calculator presumes that there is no delay between the date on which you submit your request and the date on which it is received by the organisation. If, however, you mailed your request to the organisation, there may be a delay between the date on which you submit your request and its receipt by the organisation. As a result, the date provided by this calculator may be inaccurate. There may also be other permitted reasons for a delay in receipt. Organisations must base their calculations of the number of business days for response on the actual date it receives a request.

The following days are not included in the calculation of business days:

i. Saturdays;
ii. Sundays;
iii. New Year’s Day;
iv. Good Friday;
v. Bermuda Day;
vi. National Heroes Day;
vii. Emancipation Day;
viii. Mary Prince Day;
ix. Labour Day;
x. Thanksgiving Day;
xi. Remembrance Day;
xii. Christmas Day; and
xiii. Boxing Day.


The dates provided by this calculator should not be relied upon to calculate review or appeal periods. You must use the actual date on which you receive the response from the organisation to work out your time limit for requesting a review by the Commissioner or filing an appeal with the Supreme Court.

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