Right to be informed if your personal information is being used
In a seashell
An organisation must inform you if it is using your personal information. This is called ‘privacy information'.
The organisation should provide details on the following aspects of your privacy information:
Why the organisation is using your personal information.
What type(s) of personal information the organisation is using.
How long the organisation will keep your personal information.
Whether the organisation is going to transfer your personal information to overseas third parties, the names or categories of recipients, and the reasons for the transfer.
Whether the organisation is going to transfer your personal information overseas, including the country involved and what will be done with the information.
What your rights with respect to your personal information are.
Where the organisation obtained your information.
Ways to contact the organisation.
Your right to complain to PrivCom.
The organisation should give you this information at the time it collects your information. If it obtains
your information from another source, it should provide the information within 45 days. It may do so in
the form of a privacy notice.
This right is called ‘the right to be informed’.
People ask
When can an organisation not inform me of its activities?
Generally, organisations must give you privacy information, but there are some circumstances in which
they don’t have to. These include the following situations:
Where you already have the privacy information and nothing has changed;
Giving you the privacy information is impossible or would require “disproportionate effort”, or
Giving you the privacy information would make it impossible to use your information or seriously damage the reasons for its use.